Andrew Emuobonuwie Edjeba
Dr. Andrew Edjeba Esq. LL.B (HONS) IFE, LL.M, IFE; PH.D. I.U.O; B.L., is a seasoned legal practitioner, and a legal scholar of repute. He graduated from the University of Ife with an LL.B (Hons) degree in 1985 and was called to the Bar in Nigeria in 1986. In 1993 he obtained an LL. M degree from the same university. He obtained a doctorate degree in Law from the Igbinedion University at Okada. He is the principal solicitor in the law firm of Andrew E. Edjeba & Co. His areas of practice are commercial litigation, legal documentation, corporate practice, arbitration and legal consultancy.
He is a lecturer in the department of Business law, faculty of law, University of Benin, Edo State of Nigeria. He has several legal publications to his credit.